Pay no attention to the man behind the console

Mixing 101:
Here's what happens in our little corner of the world: In this scene Peter Steep, who plays the producer, is pointing out something obvious to Gary Rotta, who's pretending to be the mixer. By the way, Gary isn't blurred due to the shutter speed, he's just always blurred. On the screens are the TV picture the audio is locked to, and the audio mix (the funny squiggly lines shown.) Each line is a "stem" or part of the mix: from top to bottom, announce track, former drunken annouce track, on-screen voice, music, sound effects, etc. Keeping the elements separate eliminates the need to re-mix the whole piece when say, a stupid announcer mispronounces the name of a female bobsledder for the tenth time. Cool, huh? Most of the the dials, etc. on the console aren't connected to anything, just there to enthrall executives who may wander in.
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