Tuesday, February 28, 2006


Spent last dinner at Pasquale's, a local place run by ample Italian mother and lovely daughter. Great home-style cooking. Lit by harsh flourescent light, like police central booking. (Not that I'd know.)
Today started at 3am NY time. Breakfast followed by ride to Turin airport, 8+ hr. charter to JFK w/ 2 meals enroute. Arrived 3:30 NY time, followed by mega laundry session and takeout Chinese w/ Amy. Now 10pm, 4am Torino time. 24 straight hrs before I'm done, at least.
A fitting finish to this marathon. I've learned a tiny bit of what it feels like to be Italian. Being in a culture thousands of years old lets you obseve people who've learned how to live. Yesterday while on a city bus I watched a mother shower her 3 year old daughter with kisses about the face. It summed up what I saw in the people here. It's been a pleasure to live in this place long enough to really get a sense of it.

Thanks to all who joined me on this journey, both at work and at home. Hope I've been able to capture what this felt like.
Viva Italia!


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