Sunday, February 12, 2006

Well, Michelle Kwan had to drop out, which will mean loads of revisions for us. Thanks a LOT, Michelle! Also just heard that bird flu has arrived in Italy. This could be my ticket home. Look, there's a bird- I'm going outside now.
Heard you guys are getting a blizzard. Ironic since here in the valley it's almost 50 degrees. But being snowed in and watching the Winter Olympics seems appropriate.
Hey sis, think they owe you royalties on this soap in the hotel...they changed your hair color to prevent a lawsuit.
It's almost 3pm- time to make the donuts!
Bye for now


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Linda said...
Weve been watching every night. We are so proud of you! You sound wonderful! I loved the opening ceremonies! Hope you are enjoying your time there what a gift.The snow is incredible here very beautiful. Watch for sweatshirts for Dan the man.Love you, Linda

4:27 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Poor Michelle, maybe she could get her name on a bar of soap instead.

Just came back from sking at Killigton. Not much snow there but we made up for that here, 20"! I worked on my downhill, so if Bodie pulls a groin I'm ready.

Hope you are sleeping well by now, I'm sure you will get into synch by the time your ready to head back home.

Have some fun and get home safe.

5:23 PM  

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