Showtime at the Apolo Anton Ohno

Yesterday we worked from 1:45pm to 3:15 am. Opening Ceremony just 8 hours away why am I sitting here typing!?
Hope to check in tonight with more. Just tune in NBC at 8and listen for those trumpets. Hopefully we'll be finished with our part by then.
Otherwise they can put up a slide or something.
As they say in Russian Show biz:
"I am hoping for to be breaking my leg!"
Mr. Schaller! You are SO cool, Amy and I have been listening to you all night and your beautiful work has convinced us to go buy products from all the sponsers! (P.S. We need to borrow some money to do that). Oh and before I Dad's wondering why you haven't mentioned "Kuty & Associates" yet...could that have been perhaps cut out in editing? You'll need to talk to someone about that, I'm sure it was a mere oversight...
I hope you are having a great time so far! Amy and I are constantly playing "What time is it in Torino and what is he doing?" and the answers are always way cooler than what we are doing. Then we feel sorry for ourselves...oh well, we're young, we'll get over it ;). Happy Opening Ceremonies! Have a great day tomorrow!
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