I'll Kill You!

I've never been in the military, but I'm getting an idea what it must be like. Take a bunch of people away from their loved ones, supply them with uniforms, deprive them of sleep and heap pressure on them and some will start to crack. Yesterday the deadline of the first broadcast made for some interesting moments. When I get home, I'll have some stories to share that I can't print here. I was not personally involved with any threats of bodily harm, however. On the plus side, when you spend virtually every waking hour with a group of people, some strong bonds are forged. And the Generals are smart enough to have tons of good food around for us. As in combat, you take comfort where you can find it. It should get somewhat easier for our group, but with 25 plus hours of coverage daily on NBC, CNBC, MSNBC, and the pre-game Olympic Zone show plus promos , a strangling or two is inevitable. But I can't complain. I'm in the same hotel with Costas- The tech people are bunking in a former military hospital. Maybe that explains it. Gotta go...reveille.
Billy, you sound stellar as usual.
Can't wait to hear the stories.
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